Saturday, August 27, 2011

Communication. What is that?

Do you ever feel like you made the wrong decision? Well, I do I feel like I married the wrong person. I don't love him anymore and really don't want to be around him at all! I have always thought that he was just focused on sex and he didn't really give me the emoitional connection that I need but, now that I am going though some difficult times with myself he has just checked out. He doesn't do anythign except tell me how bad I suck and how lazy I am and he just yells and bitches at me all the time. That is the extent of our communication. I try to talk to him and I get shut down. He is not going to have any of that! I am just tired of it. I want someone that is not afraid to talk to me. Someone who cares about my well being not just want me to do something because they think that is what I should be doing! He doesn't care about my feelings or anything really! I tell him things that I am feeling and he just blows it off! I am so conflicted I don't know what to do!

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