Friday, August 26, 2011

I am all over the place !

I am an emoitonal basket case today! One minute I am down and then angry and then sad and then happy. It the emoitions change so quickly and it is annoying! So, I was about to have sex with my husband and it was making me angry. I didn't want to and now even looking at him makes me mad. I hate the way he talks to me and I was just pissed off that I had to have sex with him! When we were done I was crying and I am not even sure why but I was just laying there thinking to myself do I even love him anymore. Then that led me to thank about this guy that I am talking to thinking that he doesn't even really like me. He likes the girl that he thanks I am and I am wondering why I even talk to him because he likes the girl I wanna be. I want to be with him so bad but I know he would never ever be with the real me! It is sad but that is my life!

1 comment:

  1. You are really honest on your site. I really respect that.
    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time with your hubby at the moment. Relationships can be very stressful especially when you are living together and spending a lot of time with someone.
    Tony M
