Thursday, June 30, 2011

You are like a drug!!!!!

O boy, I don't get you at all! I don't understand why you are talking to me! All though i am not complaining! Our talks are somewhat different and very less frequent but I do love them! I love to hear your voice even if you are in a bad mood! I love you cockiness when you are feeling good! I love that you messaged me today 1st! :) What is it? What is it about you that I can't get out of my head! Why do I long to have some sort of contact with you ? I don't even care what it is a text message which you also did that today out of the blue! An IM or a phone call those are simple things that make me happy these days and they are all about you! I know! I know! I know! That I should not be talking to you but I can't help it I love it! You are like a drug I can't get enough and you always leave me wanting more! O boy, Why do you do this to me?

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